Located 17 companies in allee des colzas in 1160-Auderghem

We located 17 legal entities on the address: allee des colzas in 1160-Auderghem in Belgium.

Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!

VAT numberCompany nameJuridical form
BE 0464.430.258TEDDY - CLEANPr LLC
BE 0443.915.352E.R.C.CSOR
BE 0732.993.762Ortho4AllPLIMCO
BE 0440.443.544Bureau de Recherche et Histoire en Architecture, Urbanisme et RestaurationCSOR
BE 0789.345.616TRG ConsultingLTD PRTN
BE 0426.233.242PUBLI-CATPr LLC
BE 0808.729.1843DHOPLC
BE 1007.504.950SossouxGENPAR
BE 0406.767.025Etudes et Réalisations industrielles et maritimesPr LLC
BE 0630.757.049Ta Main Pour Parler Bruxelles : Le Coeur au Bout du DoigtNPROF
BE 0839.660.308EcoFixPLC
BE 0435.405.581Fair Play BusinessCSOR
BE 0861.078.896La clique à claquesNPROF
BE 0418.714.356L'Iris - du - MiroirNPROF
BE 0680.581.197AskTom SCSOLP