Located 15 companies in rue du poilu in 1301-Bierges

We located 15 legal entities on the address: rue du poilu in 1301-Bierges in Belgium.

Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!

VAT numberCompany nameJuridical form
BE 0421.986.622E.S.C.Pr LLC
BE 0444.564.064COGETRACSLL
BE 0418.105.434LIS DE FRANCEPr LLC
BE 0696.838.694Buys l'éclairePLC
BE 0525.897.376GAUDIOPLC
BE 0421.590.803Degueldre et filsPr LLC
BE 0867.077.357tai doa kwun wing chunNPROF
BE 0428.760.289ROSE BUD BUSPLC
BE 0211.235.712Fabrique d'Eglise Saints-Pierre-et-Marcellin à Bierges (WL - Wavre)PUBINS
BE 0211.143.363Fabrique d'Eglise Saints-Pierre-et-Marcellin à Bierges (WL - Wavre)PUBINS
BE 0442.779.066IMMOBILIERE N. - JPLC
BE 0463.134.814AMBRE et MIELPr LLC
BE 0412.606.920Négoce-Transport et Manutention-Etablissements André Sablon, société de personnes a responsabilité limitéePr LLC