Located 13 companies in rue de spangen in 1341-Céroux-Mousty

We located 13 legal entities on the address: rue de spangen in 1341-Céroux-Mousty in Belgium.

Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!

VAT numberCompany nameJuridical form
BE 0411.857.149La CotonnièreHEALTH
BE 0431.692.560Radio MacaNPROF
BE 0668.709.585STEINBACH & COPLC
BE 0760.326.877Association Partielle Noyau C "Domaine de Franquenies" à Céroux-Mousty, rue de Spangen 8COOWN
BE 0412.101.926SofacoPLIMCO
BE 0760.327.471Association Partielle Noyau B "Domaine de Franquenies" à Céroux-Mousty, rue de Spangen 8COOWN
BE 0822.724.504Diversi-théCSUL
BE 0760.325.887Association des Copropriétaires du groupe d'immeubles "Domaine de Franquenies" à Céroux-Mousty, rue de Spangen 8COOWN
BE 0891.289.745Docteur Thierry KLEINPLC
BE 0783.768.908Demaret-ElecLTD PRTN
BE 0682.969.278Luc OstynOLP
BE 0441.265.074Intelligence Strategy EnvironmentPr LLC
BE 0760.326.580Association Partielle Noyau A "Domaine de Franquenies" à Céroux-Mousty, rue de Spangen 8COOWN