Check INNOGEN in technologiepark-zwijnaarde in 9052-Zwijnaarde

Check INNOGEN and its 111 neighbors in technologiepark-zwijnaarde in 9052-Zwijnaarde in Belgium, all operating with a Belgian corporate ID number. We located 111 legal entities on the address: technologiepark-zwijnaarde in 9052-Zwijnaarde in Belgium.

Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!

VAT numberCompany nameJuridical form
BE 0893.006.051INNOGENVAT-GR
BE 0656.997.628MorrowPLIMCO
BE 0865.810.815HealthLink-ITPLIMCO
BE 0642.738.331AVGIPLC
BE 0646.864.690VICANCYPr LLC
BE 0433.871.496Alumni Bedrijfskundig IngenieurNPROF
BE 0742.910.132Microbial Resource Management HealthPLIMCO
BE 0745.873.382Sofico InvestPLC
BE 1002.759.076Sainz MidCoPLC
BE 0687.774.936AVROXAPLC
BE 0454.806.769CLUSTANPROF
BE 0769.992.730Legend Biotech BelgiumPLC
BE 0666.961.607Aphea.BioPLIMCO
BE 0817.146.806FEopsPLIMCO
BE 0806.567.272ProDigestPLC
BE 0880.364.971BeACSLL
BE 0867.377.265PKS TECHCSLL