Check REALISATIES VERSCHOORE in category Repair of specific parts of motor vehicles

The NACE code gets assigned by the European Union and Belgium to a specific class of economic activity (commercial or otherwise ). This classification code helps to produce industry overviews and statistics. "Principal activity " is the NACE code that a certain ' economic unit ' (company, institution, corporation) specified as the most contributing to its overall value . A number of additional activities can be mentioned to better represent the company.

Select REALISATIES VERSCHOORE or any other corporation in NACE category: Repair of specific parts of motor vehicles below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!

VAT numberCompany nameJuridical form
BE 0764.811.247Garage Vande GinstePLC
BE 0648.911.489ALFA PLUSPLC
BE 0835.925.610Performance Services MichielsLTD PRTN
BE 0881.315.076DEV-CARPLC
BE 0742.819.763TOG TRUCKSPLC
BE 0694.834.061DX RAMPSPLC
BE 0451.154.522DCHPLC
BE 0799.899.810Jonas glas serviceLTD PRTN
BE 0847.442.775LRJPLC
BE 1005.672.640CRESUSPLC
BE 1006.034.015FAB-MODPLC
BE 0793.446.142MTL GROUPPLC
BE 1009.912.035Soubry MachineryPLC
BE 0694.803.575SNS GARAGEOLP
BE 0713.770.045AMCPr LLC
BE 0698.661.009GOOD AUTOPr LLC
BE 0668.931.202ROMEC RENTPLC
BE 0742.732.958ABDI & COPLC