Dhareu Interieur


Establishments Unit
Establishment number
Parent company's VAT
BE 0442.090.168
Date of creation
March 15, 1991
Parent company's name
Main activity
Manufacture of doors and windows of metal

33 years in business



9688 Maarkedal

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Primary activities

DateSector descriptionNace
18-04-2013Plastering works43.310
18-04-2013Joinery works43.320
18-04-2013Roofing works43.910
18-04-2013Commission trade of timber and building materials46.130
01-01-2008Manufacture of doors and windows of metal25.120
01-01-2008Retail trade of carpets, rugs, wall and floor coverings in specialised stores47.530
01-01-2008Rental and leasing of construction and civil engineering machinery and equipment77.320
01-01-2008Other business support service activities n.e.c.82.990

Secondary activities

DateSector descriptionNace
18-04-2013Waterproofing of walls43.991
18-04-2013Screed laying43.996
18-04-2013Application in buildings or other construction projects of plaster or stucco for interiors or exteriors, including related lathing materials4.331.001
18-04-2013Assembly of exterior and interior plastic joinery4.332.016
18-04-2013Installation of glass interior doors, partition walls, etc.4.332.021
18-04-2013Fitting in buildings or other construction projects of: parquet and other wood floors, wooden wall coverings4.333.201
18-04-2013Framework assembly4.391.001
18-04-2013Covering work using all materials4.391.002
18-04-2013Installation of draining elements for rainwater4.391.003
18-04-2013Waterproofing of roofs and roof terraces4.399.101
01-01-2008Fitting of wood coverings for floors and walls43.332
01-01-2008Painting of buildings43.341
01-01-2008Retail trade of specialised stores of building materials, general assortment in specialised stores47.521
01-01-2008Retail trade of clothing for babies and children in specialised stores47.713
01-01-2008Retail trade of clothing accessories in specialised stores47.715
01-01-2008Retail trade of shoes in specialised stores47.721
01-01-2008Retail trade of footwear and leather goods in specialised stores47.722
01-01-2008Retail trade of hardware goods and cleaning products in specialised stores47.784
01-01-2008Retail trade of souvenir and religious articles in specialised stores47.786
01-01-2008Creating templates for personal and household goods74.101
01-01-2008Other personal service activities96.099
01-01-2008Manufacture of metal frameworks or skeletons for construction2.511.001
01-01-2008Manufacture of steel structures for industrial equipment (frames of blast furnaces, handling equipment, etc.)2.511.002
01-01-2008Manufacture of prefabricated buildings mainly of metal: site huts, modular exhibition elements, telephone booths, etc ..2.511.003
01-01-2008Drilling, turning, milling, shaving, planing, lapping, broaching, dressage, sawing, grinding, sharpening, etc. of metal parts2.562.001
01-01-2008Manufacturing and finishing (including cushioning, painting, varnishing, etc.) of furniture of the kind used in bedrooms and dining rooms and living rooms3.109.111
01-01-2008Mechanical maintenance and repairs for third parties3.312.011
01-01-2008Implementation in buildings or other construction projects of: thermal insulation, acoustic and anti vibration insulation4.329.101
01-01-2008Insulation work for heating or cooling pipes4.329.102
01-01-2008Installation of blinds and awnings4.329.901
01-01-2008Installation of signs, illuminated or not4.329.902
01-01-2008Assembly of exterior and interior joinery: doors, windows, staircases, fitted kitchen cupboards shop fittings, door and window frames, etc.4.332.001
01-01-2008Assembly of wooden or plastic mobile walls; lining walls, ceilings etc.4.332.002
01-01-2008Assembly of wooden or plastic garage doors, shutters, blinds, fences, gates etc.4.332.003
01-01-2008Assembly of wooden or plastic armoured doors and firewall doors4.332.004
01-01-2008Assembly of wooden or plastic greenhouses, verandas etc.4.332.005
01-01-2008Assembly of external and internal metal joinery: doors, windows, door and window frames, staircases, fitted kitchen cupboards, shop fittings, etc.4.332.011
01-01-2008Assembly of metal mobile walls; lining walls, ceilings, etc.4.332.012
01-01-2008Assembly of metal garage doors, shutters, blinds, fences, gates, etc.4.332.013
01-01-2008Assembly of metal armoured doors and fire doors4.332.014
01-01-2008Assembly of metal greenhouses, verandas, etc.4.332.015
01-01-2008Assembly of gypsum drywalls4.332.031
01-01-2008Interior and exterior painting of buildings4.334.101
01-01-2008Painting of metal frames4.334.201
01-01-2008Cleaning of new buildings and rehabilitation of sites after work4.339.001
01-01-2008Other building completion and finishing work n.e.s.4.339.002
01-01-2008Treatment of walls with water repellent products4.399.111
01-01-2008Steam cleaning, sand blasting and similar activities for building exteriors4.399.201
01-01-2008Construction of decorative fireplaces and open fireplaces4.399.301
01-01-2008Screed laying4.399.601
01-01-2008Installation of steel structure elements not manufactured by the unit carrying out the work4.399.904
01-01-2008Assembly and disassembly of scaffolding and work platforms4.399.906
01-01-2008Commission trade of timber and building materials4.613.001
01-01-2008Wholesale trade of construction materials: sand, gravel, cement, bricks, etc.4.673.101
01-01-2008Retail trade of office equipment and furniture4.741.002
01-01-2008Retail trade of furniture4.759.101
01-01-2008Retail trade of kitchens4.759.102
01-01-2008Retail trade of electric lighting equipment4.759.201
01-01-2008Retail trade of non-electric appliances, cutlery, crockery, glassware, china and pottery4.759.301
01-01-2008Retail trade of wood, cork and wickerwork4.759.901
01-01-2008Retail trade of other used goods such as furniture4.779.302
01-01-2008Advice and assistance to companies and public services in planning, organisation, performance research, control, management information, etc.7.022.001
01-01-2008Calculation of the costs and benefits of proposed measures for planning, organising, performance, etc.7.022.002
01-01-2008General audit activities7.022.003
01-01-2008Supervision of construction work (structural work, installation, finishing work, etc.)7.111.103
01-01-2008Operation of major maintenance of buildings7.111.104
01-01-2008Interior cleaning of buildings of all types: offices, factories, workshops, premises of institutions and other premises for commercial or professional use, apartment buildings, etc.8.122.001
01-01-2008Renovation and restoration of furniture9.524.001
01-07-2001Fabrication de constructions métalliques et de leurs parties28.110
01-07-2001Fabrication de charpentes et menuiseries métalliques28.120
01-07-2001Opérations de mécanique générale28.520
01-07-2001Autres travaux de construction spécialisés45.250
01-07-2001Travaux d'isolation45.320
01-07-2001Autres travaux d'installation45.340
01-07-2001Menuiserie en bois ou en matières plastiques45.421
01-07-2001Menuiserie métallique45.422
01-07-2001Pose de revêtements de sol en bois ou en d'autres matériaux45.432
01-07-2001Autres travaux de finition45.450
01-07-2001Intermédiaires du commerce en bois et matériaux de construction51.130
01-07-2001Commerce de gros de peintures, vernis et matériaux de construction, y compris les appareils sanitaires51.532
01-07-2001Commerce de détail de vêtements pour bébés et enfants52.424
01-07-2001Commerce de détail d'accessoires du vêtement52.426
01-07-2001Commerce de détail de chaussures52.431
01-07-2001Commerce de détail de maroquinerie et d'articles de voyage52.432
01-07-2001Commerce de détail de meubles52.441
01-07-2001Commerce de détail de quincaillerie, peintures, matériaux de construction et verre (y compris les bricocenters) avec une surface de vente jusqu'à 400 m2.52.461
01-07-2001Commerce de détail spécialisé d'équipements de bureau, d'ordinateurs et de matériel de télécommunication52.487
01-07-2001Commerce de détail spécialisé de souvenirs, d'objets artisanaux et d'articles religieux52.497
01-07-2001Commerce de détail de biens d'occasion52.502
01-07-2001Location de machines et équipements pour la construction71.320
01-07-2001Autres conseils pour les affaires et le management74.142
01-07-2001Bureau d'architecte74.201
01-07-2001Nettoyage industriel74.700
01-07-2001Création de modèles pour le textile, l'habillement, les bijoux, les meubles et les objets de décoration74.877
01-07-2001Autres services aux entreprises n.d.a74.879
01-07-2001Autres services n.d.a.93.053
01-04-1991Fabrication de meubles pour salles à manger, salons et chambres à coucher36.141
01-04-1991Commerce de détail d'appareils d'éclairage et d'équipements du foyer52.442
01-04-1991Commerce de détail spécialisé de papiers peints, de revêtements de murs et de sols52.486
01-04-1991Commerce de détail spécialisé d'articles de droguerie et de produits d'entretien52.488
15-03-1991Commerce de détail d'appareils d'éclairage et d'équipements du foyer52.442