Check HITEA in bruul in 2800-Mechelen

Check HITEA and its 133 neighbors in bruul in 2800-Mechelen in Belgium, all operating with a Belgian corporate ID number. We located 133 legal entities on the address: bruul in 2800-Mechelen in Belgium.

Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!

VAT numberCompany nameJuridical form
BE 0894.413.244HITEAPLC
BE 0449.994.579TRENTUNOPLC
BE 0465.443.117G. & J.PLIMCO
BE 0876.849.712LeliëndalPLC
BE 1014.729.074SlowhousePLC
BE 0400.792.320Aankoop, Verkoop en Verkaveling van Eigendommen in randgemeenten van Mechelen en AgglomeratiePr LLC
BE 0878.669.748Vereniging van Mede-eigenaars van het gebouw te Mechelen, Bruul 100COOWN
BE 0426.122.186CAROPr LLC
BE 0440.438.495PatinecoPr LLC
BE 0445.254.645Kid DressPLIMCO
BE 0443.862.496Alma Mater PitzemburgNPROF
BE 0410.513.601Koninklijke Bond van Oud-Leerlingen en Vrienden van het Koninklijk Atheneum Pitzemburg VZWNPROF
BE 0539.967.227A PRESENT 4 UPLC
BE 0403.115.568EcomenaPLIMCO
BE 0430.806.494PARTNERS EN CoPLC
BE 0564.756.467DD InvestPLC
BE 0462.155.510MARPHIPLC
BE 0816.555.007La Garde-RobePLC