Check JULIE in tongersesteenweg in 3720-Kortessem

Check JULIE and its 41 neighbors in tongersesteenweg in 3720-Kortessem in Belgium, all operating with a Belgian corporate ID number. We located 41 legal entities on the address: tongersesteenweg in 3720-Kortessem in Belgium.

Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!

VAT numberCompany nameJuridical form
BE 0898.099.541JULIEGENPAR
BE 0774.921.815Dr. Karen Van LangendonckPLC
BE 0883.135.708VESTECOPLC
BE 0804.381.903M.E.S.C.H.PLC
BE 0724.973.248Burgerlijke Maatschap CORSWAREM-ROHIDIANCAWOLP
BE 0768.915.238KAVA DENTPLC
BE 0870.157.009SLKPPLTDSH
BE 0674.643.017GePeGoedPLIMCO
BE 0731.701.781Lucaja ConsultPLC
BE 0462.493.426GEJOPLC
BE 0501.574.528WAVA - FinanceOLP
BE 0844.332.936Goffings ConsultingOLP
BE 0833.961.656SEVICOPr LLC
BE 0724.577.528Burgerlijke Maatschap CORSWAREM-ROHIDIANCAWOLP
BE 0893.008.526D.E.Parket en InterieurPr LLC
BE 0655.990.214ANGSUR+PLC
BE 0896.639.888Vereniging van Mede-eigenaars gebouw POORT VAN HASPENGOUW FASE 2, te 3720 Kortessem, Tongersesteenweg 4COOWN