Located 216 companies in sleepstraat in Mariakerke

We located 216 legal entities on the address: sleepstraat in Mariakerke in Belgium.

Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!

VAT numberCompany nameJuridical form
BE 0457.002.434GAMZEPr LLC
BE 0707.808.505Social Enhancement and Empowering of RomaNPROF
BE 0452.135.707YASEMINCS
BE 0840.068.104FIN&INSPr LLC
BE 0820.989.885AZADOLP
BE 0718.637.366Dr. Sven Lanssens, dermatoloogPLC
BE 0848.150.974P.V.L. GentOLP
BE 0860.240.837ÖZEGEMPr LLC
BE 0865.837.341MODEHUISOLP
BE 0809.521.616SELIMPLC
BE 0452.673.165FatihNPROF
BE 0819.229.435Vereniging van mede-eigenaars van de Residentie Miquel te Gent, Sleepstraat 150/162COOWN
BE 0894.572.897Beste v.z.w.NPROF
BE 0840.211.228YILMAZPLC
BE 0453.923.673HAS - TEXPLC
BE 0731.903.107waldozPLC
BE 0753.482.241Oekraïense Katholieke parochie in Gent VZWNPROF
BE 0824.742.993SirenaNPROF
BE 0825.934.412SHKOLP