Located 7 companies in cortewalledreef in 9120-Beveren-Waas

We located 7 legal entities on the address: cortewalledreef in 9120-Beveren-Waas in Belgium.

Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!

VAT numberCompany nameJuridical form
BE 0539.921.004VME Residentie Cortewalle IF (deelvereniging), Cortewalledreef 1-3 te BeverenCOOWN
BE 0899.067.363VME van de "RESIDENTIE DE BERGEYCK" Blok A, Cortewalledreef 57 te 9120 Beveren (volgens ba hoek Cortewalledreef en Verlatdreef)COOWN
BE 0830.101.848VME RESIDENTIE CORTEWALLE I, gebouw F, G en H" (hoofdvereniging), Cortewalledreef 1 en 3 te 9120 Beveren, .COOWN
BE 0539.921.794VME Residentie Cortewalle IGH (deelvereniging), Cortewalledreef 1-3 te 9120 BeverenCOOWN
BE 0728.584.321VME Residentie Lotus IV, Cortewalledreef 27 te BeverenCOOWN
BE 0692.749.749VME appartementencomplex Marktcentrum, Cortewalledreef 5 te 9120 BeverenCOOWN
BE 0416.808.901Vereniging Leraars AardrijkskundeNPROF