Dunon Yves


Establishments Unit
Establishment number
Parent company's VAT
BE 0875.231.295
Date of creation
September 14, 2005
Parent company's name
Main activity
Restricted restaurants

19 years in business



Begijnenstraat, 1
3300 Tienen

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Primary activities

DateSector descriptionNace
27-03-2015Restricted restaurants56.102

Secondary activities

DateSector descriptionNace
03-09-2014Manufacture of ice cream10.520
03-09-2014Cafés and bars56.301
03-09-2014Management of theatres, concerts and suchlike90.041
03-09-2014Management of cultural centres and multifunctional rooms with a cultural aspect90.042
03-09-2014Production of ice cream and other edible ice (e.g. sorbet), including ice creams sold by the producer in the street1.052.001
03-09-2014Counter sales or by telephone, fax or internet of food and beverage: croissants, crêperies and waffles5.610.203
03-09-2014Counter sales or by telephone, fax or internet of food and beverage: dairies, tea rooms, ice cream parlours, etc.5.610.204
01-01-2008Wholesale trade of other office machinery and equipment46.660
01-01-2008Computer programming activities62.010
01-01-2008Other information technology and computer service activities62.090
01-01-2008Data processing, hosting and related activities63.110
01-01-2008Retail trade of computers and packaged software4.741.001
01-01-2008Retail trade of office equipment and furniture4.741.002
01-01-2008Advising users on the type and configuration of computer hardware and software applications6.202.001
01-01-2008Activities of network integrators6.202.002
01-01-2008Continuous or non-continuous processing of data using either the customer's programme or a manufacturer-specific programme: data entry services, complete data processing6.311.001
01-01-2008Management and ongoing operation of computer hardware owned by third parties6.311.002
01-01-2008Renting and leasing of office machines and equipment, without operator: computers, computer machinery and equipment, duplicators, photocopiers, typewriters and word processors, etc.7.733.001
01-01-2008Rental, or payment for the use of software7.733.002
01-01-2008Maintenance and repair of computers and peripheral equipment9.511.001
01-01-2008Maintenance and repair of accounting and other office machines9.511.002
14-09-2005Commerce de gros d'autres machines et équipements de bureau51.850
14-09-2005Commerce de détail spécialisé d'équipements de bureau, d'ordinateurs et de matériel de télécommunication52.487
14-09-2005Location de machines de bureau et de matériel informatique71.330
14-09-2005Conseil en systèmes informatiques72.100
14-09-2005Autres activités de réalisation de logiciels72.220
14-09-2005Traitement de données72.300
14-09-2005Activités de banques de données72.400
14-09-2005Entretien et réparation de machines de bureau et de matériel informatique72.500
14-09-2005Autres activités rattachées à l'informatique72.600