
Establishments Unit
Establishment number
Parent company's VAT
BE 0838.649.033
Date of creation
August 30, 2011
Parent company's name
Main activity

13 years in business



Lauwrijkstraat, 5
2223 Heist-op-den-Berg

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Primary activities

DateSector descriptionNace
04-12-2023Growing of vegetables and melons, roots and tubers1.130
04-12-2023Growing of grapes1.210
04-12-2023Growing of other tree and bush fruits and nuts1.250
04-12-2023Growing of spices, aromatic, drug and pharmaceutical crops1.280
04-12-2023Growing of other perennial crops1.290
04-12-2023Support activities for crop production1.610
04-12-2023Post-harvest crop activities1.630
04-12-2023Sylviculture and other forestry activities2.100
04-12-2023Camping grounds, recreational vehicle parks and trailer parks55.300
04-12-2023Event catering activities56.210
04-12-2023Rental and leasing of cars and light motor vehicles (< 3.5 tons)77.110
04-12-2023Rental and leasing of trucks and other heavy motor vehicles (> 3.5 tons)77.120
04-12-2023Organisation of conventions and trade shows82.300
30-08-2011Support services to lumbering2.400
30-08-2011Site preparation works43.120
30-08-2011Wholesale trade of flowers and plants46.220
30-08-2011Wholesale trade of computers, computer peripheral equipment and software46.510
30-08-2011Retail trade of computers, peripheral units and software in specialised stores47.410
30-08-2011Other telecommunications activities61.900
30-08-2011Computer programming activities62.010
30-08-2011Computer consultancy activities62.020
30-08-2011Computer facilities management activities62.030
30-08-2011Other information technology and computer service activities62.090
30-08-2011Landscape service activities81.300

Secondary activities

DateSector descriptionNace
04-12-2023Growing of flowers1.191
04-12-2023Other installation works n.e.c.43.299
04-12-2023Other specialised construction activities43.999
04-12-2023Other pubs56.309
04-12-2023Other professional, scientific and technical activities74.909
04-12-2023Rental and leasing of caravans and motor homes77.393
04-12-2023Other forms of education85.599
04-12-2023Botanical and zoological garden services, zoos for children, nature reserves and parks, including the protection of flora and fauna9.104.101
30-08-2011Operation of tree nurseries, except forest nurseries1.301
30-08-2011Other reproduction of plants1.309
30-08-2011Architectural, urban planning and landscape architectural activities71.113
30-08-2011Performances by independent artists90.011
30-08-2011Retail trade of flowers (including cut flowers) and plants4.776.101