Schepens-Van Hessche


Establishments Unit
Establishment number
Parent company's VAT
BE 0448.006.970
Date of creation
August 31, 1992
Parent company's name
Main activity
Drilling, turning, milling, shaving, planing, lapping, broaching, dressage, sawing, grinding, sharpening, etc. of metal parts

31 years in business



Oudstrijdersstraat, 66
9700 Oudenaarde

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Primary activities

DateSector descriptionNace
01-01-2008Drilling, turning, milling, shaving, planing, lapping, broaching, dressage, sawing, grinding, sharpening, etc. of metal parts2.562.001

Secondary activities

DateSector descriptionNace
01-08-2011Installation of heating, ventilation and air conditioning43.222
01-01-2008Plumbing works43.221
01-01-2008Installation of heating, ventilation and air conditioning43.222
01-01-2008Commission trade of timber and building materials46.130
01-01-2008Commission trade of machinery, industrial equipment, ships and aircraft46.140
01-01-2008Commission trade of furniture, household goods, hardware and ironmongery46.150
01-01-2008Commission trade specialised in the trade of other particular products46.180
01-01-2008Commission trade of miscellaneous products46.190
01-01-2008Wholesale trade of household appliances and audio-video46.431
01-01-2008Wholesale trade of construction materials, general assortment46.731
01-01-2008Wholesale trade of hardware46.741
01-01-2008Wholesale trade of plumbing and heating supplies46.742
01-01-2008Retail trade of specialised stores of building materials, general assortment in specialised stores47.521
01-01-2008Retail trade of electrical household appliances in specialised stores47.540
01-01-2008Retail trade of home furnishings in specialised stores47.591
01-01-2008Retail trade of electrical lighting appliances in specialised stores47.592
01-01-2008Other retail trade of new goods in specialised stores n.e.c.47.789
01-01-2008Business and other management consultancy activities70.220
01-01-2008Other business support service activities n.e.c.82.990
01-01-2008Repair of consumer electronics95.210
01-01-2008Repair of other personal and household goods95.290
01-01-2008Other personal service activities96.099
01-01-2008Mechanical maintenance and repairs for third parties3.312.011
01-01-2008Implementation in buildings or other construction projects of: thermal insulation, acoustic and anti vibration insulation4.329.101
01-01-2008Insulation work for heating or cooling pipes4.329.102
01-01-2008Assembly of gypsum drywalls4.332.031
01-01-2008Other building completion and finishing work n.e.s.4.339.002
01-01-2008Covering work using all materials4.391.002
01-01-2008Installation of draining elements for rainwater4.391.003
01-01-2008Waterproofing of roofs and roof terraces4.399.101
01-01-2008Treatment of walls with water repellent products4.399.111
01-01-2008Construction of decorative fireplaces and open fireplaces4.399.301
01-01-2008Operation of major maintenance of buildings7.111.104
01-01-2008Design and realisation of projects relating to electrical and electronic engineering; mining, chemical, mechanical and industrial engineering, systems engineering, security techniques, etc.7.112.101
01-01-2008Elaboration of projects involving activities relating to civil or structural engineering, hydraulic engineering and traffic engineering7.112.104
01-01-2008Establishment of topographic surveys and demarcation of properties7.112.203
01-01-2008Chimney sweeping and cleaning of hearths, furnaces, boiler incinerators, ventilation ducts and smoke evacuation devices8.122.003
04-04-2004Opérations de mécanique générale28.520
04-04-2004Réalisation de charpentes et de couvertures45.220
04-04-2004Autres travaux de construction spécialisés45.250
04-04-2004Travaux d'isolation45.320
04-04-2004Installation de systèmes de chauffage, de climatisation et de ventilation45.331
04-04-2004Autres travaux de plomberie45.332
04-04-2004Autres travaux de finition45.450
04-04-2004Intermédiaires du commerce en bois et matériaux de construction51.130
04-04-2004Intermédiaires du commerce en machines, équipements industriels et commerciaux, navires et avions51.140
04-04-2004Intermédiaires du commerce en meubles, articles de ménage et quincaillerie51.150
04-04-2004Autres intermédiaires spécialisés du commerce51.180
04-04-2004Intermédiaires du commerce en produits divers51.190
04-04-2004Commerce de gros d'appareils électroménagers, de radio et de télévision51.430
04-04-2004Commerce de gros de peintures, vernis et matériaux de construction, y compris les appareils sanitaires51.532
04-04-2004Commerce de gros de quincaillerie51.541
04-04-2004Commerce de gros de fournitures et équipements pour plomberie et chauffage51.542
04-04-2004Commerce de détail de meubles52.441
04-04-2004Commerce de détail d'appareils d'éclairage et d'équipements du foyer52.442
04-04-2004Commerce de détail d'appareils électroménagers, de radio et de télévision52.450
04-04-2004Commerce de détail de quincaillerie, peintures, matériaux de construction et verre (y compris les bricocenters) avec une surface de vente jusqu'à 400 m2.52.461
04-04-2004Autres commerces de détail spécialisés de produits non alimentaires n.d.a.52.498
04-04-2004Réparation d'appareils électriques à usage domestique52.720
04-04-2004Autres réparations n.d.a.52.740
04-04-2004Autres conseils pour les affaires et le management74.142
04-04-2004Bureau d'architecte74.201
04-04-2004Bureau de géomètre74.202
04-04-2004Études techniques et activités d'ingénierie74.203
04-04-2004Nettoyage industriel74.700
04-04-2004Autres services aux entreprises n.d.a74.879
04-04-2004Autres services n.d.a.93.053