DICOGEL Last update: 1 month ago
BE 0419.748.791 - Production of frozen vegetables and fruitsName | City | ||
2145929812 | Dicogel | 9/1/02 | 8850 - Ardooie |
2016629109 | 5/17/01 | 7700 - Mouscron | |
2016629010 | 10/1/79 | 8840 - Staden |
Number | Name | Creation | City |
2145929812 | Dicogel | 9/1/02 | 8850 - Ardooie |
2016629109 | 5/17/01 | 7700 - Mouscron | |
2016629010 | 10/1/79 | 8840 - Staden |
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