DEBA Last update: 3 months ago
BE 0421.426.594 - Electrotechnical installation work for buildingsName | City | ||
2187530538 | 4/15/10 | 3550 - Heusden-Zolder | |
2018732029 | Deba | 3/26/81 | 9000 - Gent |
2187530241 | 4/15/10 | 5590 - Ciney |
Number | Name | Creation | City |
2187530538 | 4/15/10 | 3550 - Heusden-Zolder | |
2018732029 | Deba | 3/26/81 | 9000 - Gent |
2187530241 | 4/15/10 | 5590 - Ciney |
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