ZIG-ZAG BELGIQUE Last update: 11 months ago
BE 0422.068.081 - Nace.Name | City | ||
2019663031 | 11/27/82 | 4000 - LIEGE | |
2019662734 | 11/20/81 | 1050 - Ixelles | |
2019662833 | 8/28/82 | 6000 - Charleroi | |
2019662932 | 12/11/81 | 4000 - Liège |
Number | Name | Creation | City |
2019663031 | 11/27/82 | 4000 - LIEGE | |
2019662734 | 11/20/81 | 1050 - Ixelles | |
2019662833 | 8/28/82 | 6000 - Charleroi | |
2019662932 | 12/11/81 | 4000 - Liège |
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