Yindi Last update: 6 months ago
BE 0805.125.140 - Wholesale trade of other household goods n.e.c.Name | City | ||
2348885187 | Yindi | 8/25/23 | 8820 - Torhout |
2348885286 | Yindi | 8/25/23 | 9620 - Zottegem |
2367584116 | 11/1/24 | 8000 - Brugge |
Number | Name | Creation | City |
2348885187 | Yindi | 8/25/23 | 8820 - Torhout |
2348885286 | Yindi | 8/25/23 | 9620 - Zottegem |
2367584116 | 11/1/24 | 8000 - Brugge |
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