FRANCOACH Last update: 9 days ago
BE 0837.399.218 - Business and other management consultancy activitiesName | City | ||
2202231085 | Francorp | 9/1/11 | 1331 - Rixensart |
2264782229 | Francorp | 6/1/17 | 9100 - Sint-Niklaas |
2202230689 | Francorp | 9/1/11 | 9050 - Gent |
Number | Name | Creation | City |
2202231085 | Francorp | 9/1/11 | 1331 - Rixensart |
2264782229 | Francorp | 6/1/17 | 9100 - Sint-Niklaas |
2202230689 | Francorp | 9/1/11 | 9050 - Gent |
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