Tony BELLAVIA AVOCAT Last update: 16 days ago
BE 0846.447.536 - Activities of lawyersName | City | ||
2213265628 | 7/1/12 | 7100 - La Louvière | |
2281429706 | Tony Bellavia Avocat | 6/1/17 | 7050 - Jurbise |
2213265727 | 7/1/12 | 7000 - Mons |
Number | Name | Creation | City |
2213265628 | 7/1/12 | 7100 - La Louvière | |
2281429706 | Tony Bellavia Avocat | 6/1/17 | 7050 - Jurbise |
2213265727 | 7/1/12 | 7000 - Mons |
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