DAVID EN GOLIATH Last update: 10 days ago
BE 0879.103.872 - Buying and selling of own real estateName | City | ||
2328215873 | 2/25/22 | 2000 - Antwerpen | |
2252760068 | David En Goliath | 3/18/16 | 9000 - Gent |
2151721801 | David En Goliath | 2/16/06 | 1000 - Bruxelles |
Number | Name | Creation | City |
2328215873 | 2/25/22 | 2000 - Antwerpen | |
2252760068 | David En Goliath | 3/18/16 | 9000 - Gent |
2151721801 | David En Goliath | 2/16/06 | 1000 - Bruxelles |
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