Bastiaens Last update: 15 days ago
BE 0899.400.925 - Raising of fattening pigsName | City | ||
2365980745 | 1/7/25 | 2275 - Lille | |
2246806446 | Bastiaens Lv | 11/1/15 | 2275 - Lille |
2192872367 | 8/1/08 | 2275 - Lille | |
2365980646 | 11/15/24 | 2580 - Putte |
Number | Name | Creation | City |
2365980745 | 1/7/25 | 2275 - Lille | |
2246806446 | Bastiaens Lv | 11/1/15 | 2275 - Lille |
2192872367 | 8/1/08 | 2275 - Lille | |
2365980646 | 11/15/24 | 2580 - Putte |
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