KOME BOWLS GROUPS Last update: 11 months ago
BE 1001.289.032 - Restricted restaurantsName | City | ||
2351586539 | Kome Bowls Groups | 10/17/23 | 2640 - Mortsel |
2359271711 | Kome Bowls Groups | 5/14/24 | 1090 - Jette |
2360180739 | Kome Bowls Groups | 6/1/24 | 2640 - Mortsel |
Number | Name | Creation | City |
2351586539 | Kome Bowls Groups | 10/17/23 | 2640 - Mortsel |
2359271711 | Kome Bowls Groups | 5/14/24 | 1090 - Jette |
2360180739 | Kome Bowls Groups | 6/1/24 | 2640 - Mortsel |
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