Located 81 companies in grote markt in 2800-Mechelen

We located 81 legal entities on the address: grote markt in 2800-Mechelen in Belgium.

Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!

VAT numberCompany nameJuridical form
BE 0563.616.223Activation Platform for Participatory SolutionsNPROF
BE 0408.375.839Stichting Antoon SpinoyPUBLUF
BE 0457.633.528Mechelse FeestenNPROF
BE 0222.482.069Regie der Mechelse Vrije GroentemarktMINHAF
BE 0726.856.533Groep PCRVAT-GR
BE 0884.890.814ADEMPLC
BE 0831.493.403Extern Verzelfstandigd Agentschap Sociale Economie - "Oprit WNPROF
BE 0552.836.256KAZBELPLC
BE 0476.503.392AVANT GARDEPr LLC
BE 0452.190.145AMBROSIAPr LLC
BE 0642.642.123Mechelen MorgenCSLL
BE 0417.231.939PcR.comPLIMCO
BE 0428.095.048New AquaPr LLC
BE 0410.242.296Comite Stad MechelenNPROF
BE 0207.499.430Stad MechelenCities
BE 0470.053.090Het Mechels VLD-HuisNPROF
BE 0727.604.720Ons BierLTD PRTN
BE 0434.028.082Antwerps Verbond van Ornithologische VerenigingenNPROF
BE 0220.102.896Regie der Mechelse Vrije GroentemarktMINHAF