Check DACDA in langdorpsesteenweg in AARSCHOT

Check DACDA and its 41 neighbors in langdorpsesteenweg in AARSCHOT in Belgium, all operating with a Belgian corporate ID number. We located 41 legal entities on the address: langdorpsesteenweg in AARSCHOT in Belgium.

Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!

VAT numberCompany nameJuridical form
BE 0718.589.955DACDAGENPAR
BE 0875.897.528Vereniging van mede-eigenaars van het gebouw "Residentie Wilberts" te Aarschot, Langdorpsesteenweg 44COOWN
BE 1003.272.978T3SPLC
BE 0400.955.537Laermans en CoPr LLC
BE 0715.421.718BlokbeheerPLC
BE 0802.896.615TRIKPLC
BE 0534.432.485MeticoPLC
BE 1004.277.226Vrijwilligerswerk ApojoNPROF
BE 0800.355.710LABABIDIPLC
BE 0668.723.146XproveOLP
BE 0889.526.325M WORKSPLC
BE 0211.199.583Kerkfabriek Christus Koning (VL - Aarschot)PUBINS
BE 0415.327.175Vlaamse Vereniging voor DierenbeschermingNPROF
BE 0454.005.629Hagelands Sociaal SecretariaatNPROF
BE 0635.908.541DecogilleOLP
BE 0735.453.505Den HofnarPLC
BE 0449.719.120H.P. VIDEOLANDPr LLC
BE 0462.054.055SAMKO - DISHCS
BE 0451.129.083Delta, Vereniging voor Geestelijke GezondheidszorgNPROF