Located 53 companies in Universiteitslaan in Hasselt
We located 53 legal entities on the address: Universiteitslaan in Hasselt in Belgium.Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!
VAT number | Company name | Juridical form | Juridical situation | Type of enterprise |
BE 0448.737.143 | MONUMENTENWACHT VAN DE PROVINCIE LIMBURG | NPROF | Closure of liquidation | Legal Person |
BE 0871.175.410 | Limburgsch Fonds tot Aanmoediging van Weldadigheid of Vooruitzicht, te Hasselt | PUBLUT | Closure of liquidation | Legal Person |
BE 0450.879.259 | CEGEKA EDUCATION SERVICES | Pr LLC | Merger by acquisition | Legal Person |
BE 0463.698.107 | HOSTIT | PLIMCO | Merger by acquisition | Legal Person |
BE 0466.696.395 | Oké Software and Communication | Pr LLC | Closure of liquidation | Legal Person |
BE 0420.092.944 | Toerisme Limburg | NPROF | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0874.667.014 | Bosgroep Hoge Kempen | NPROF | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0849.778.693 | Projectgrindwinningscomité | NPROF | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0874.670.378 | Bosgroep Zuid-Limburg | NPROF | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0894.291.597 | cegeka groep | VAT-GR | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0870.749.501 | CEGEKA INDUSTRIE | PLIMCO | Merger by acquisition | Legal Person |
BE 0851.700.976 | MEN AT WORK BVBA | PLC | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0423.084.603 | EDAN PARTNERS | PLIMCO | Closure of liquidation | Legal Person |
BE 0469.481.087 | Bosgroep Noordoost-Limburg | NPROF | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0852.061.757 | LIMBURGS OVERLEG ONDERWIJS-ARBEID | NPROF | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0808.638.223 | Promotie Volwassenenonderwijs Limburg | NPROF | Closure of liquidation | Legal Person |
BE 0479.742.895 | BOSGROEP WEST - LIMBURG | NPROF | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0955.975.382 | STUDIEBEURZENSTICHTING PULINX | FEPBE | Cancelled file | Legal Person |
BE 0862.947.038 | Provinciale commissie studiebeurzenstichting van Limburg | PROVAU | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0849.650.219 | LIMGROND.BE | AUPRCO | Ex officio dissolution | Legal Person |