Located 25 companies in rue de huleu in Ittre

We located 25 legal entities on the address: rue de huleu in Ittre in Belgium.

Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!

VAT numberCompany nameJuridical form
BE 0455.992.149Secobat Secrétariat-Comptabilité et BâtimentPr LLC
BE 0824.008.664VirapcodNPROF
BE 0884.075.420AJ IMMOPr LLC
BE 0798.947.032CHANAZAPLC
BE 0806.380.301Réussir-Mercredis sans EchecNPROF
BE 0862.538.846Association des Copropriétaires de l'immeuble sis à Ittre, rue de Huleu 2-4COOWN
BE 0455.918.806NO COMPLEXPr LLC
BE 0823.641.252SBSWPLC
BE 0447.965.695Résidence CHAMP DE HULEUPLC
BE 0764.455.515ABILOFTVAT-GR
BE 0780.843.268KINEARTPLC
BE 0829.866.375ExpressionsNPROF
BE 0801.297.895OG CONSEILPLC
BE 0893.467.097arts sport et jeunesse du brabant wallonNPROF
BE 0778.560.897MedicalArtPLC
BE 0795.686.446E-CarluxPLC
BE 0460.931.231Construct Home BelgiumPr LLC
BE 0788.640.979NO COMPLEXPLC