Check Cosy Green in Mechelsesteenweg in KONTICH

Check Cosy Green and its 283 neighbors in Mechelsesteenweg in KONTICH in Belgium, all operating with a Belgian corporate ID number. We located 283 legal entities on the address: Mechelsesteenweg in KONTICH in Belgium.

Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!

VAT numberCompany nameJuridical form
BE 0741.520.755Cosy GreenPLC
BE 1005.471.019VakantiefabriekNPROF
BE 1013.838.654Chocolaterie SoetkinPLC
BE 0404.036.573MetalcedPLIMCO
BE 0442.491.927Loctite NederlandFORENT
BE 0448.171.474B.Veys en E.Tubbax, AdvokatenPr LLC
BE 0803.672.318CLX Cleaning ServicesPLC
BE 0423.818.734Promo BoekPr LLC
BE 0452.583.588ARIMAPr LLC
BE 0449.853.237Takoda & CoCSUL
BE 0400.756.785Etablissementen Van Overtveld GuidoPr LLC
BE 0863.328.605Vereniging van Mede-eigenaars van het gebouw Mechelsesteenweg 8COOWN
BE 0789.731.042DVenVGENPAR
BE 0753.749.980CastingstudioPLC
BE 0688.701.384SaleseOLP
BE 0447.675.289YANNICKPLC
BE 0769.470.415Unit 1PLC
BE 0427.367.944De AfspanningPr LLC