Check Quin in Veldkant in KONTICH

Check Quin and its 512 neighbors in Veldkant in KONTICH in Belgium, all operating with a Belgian corporate ID number. We located 512 legal entities on the address: Veldkant in KONTICH in Belgium.

Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!

VAT numberCompany nameJuridical form
BE 0790.504.765QuinPLIMCO
BE 0783.296.576Ops.devPLIMCO
BE 0708.958.746Jeanny ConsultingPLIMCO
BE 0719.279.744Da-TaPLIMCO
BE 0597.666.191SmartSpokenPLIMCO
BE 0703.884.458Not A CompanyPLIMCO
BE 0707.959.745HighFivePLIMCO
BE 0474.280.411EGOVAPLIMCO
BE 0834.672.330Astena WalloniePLIMCO
BE 0700.835.886MicronosPLIMCO
BE 0720.878.759LifelikePLIMCO
BE 0766.269.613RedMojoPLIMCO
BE 0719.977.055True SaintsPLIMCO
BE 0726.934.628TroublePLIMCO
BE 0526.904.691BryxxPLIMCO
BE 0670.541.501Oswald AIPLIMCO
BE 0406.133.258Hoppenbrouwers Algemene BouwwerkenPLIMCO
BE 1000.859.757Pair2RepairPLIMCO