Check Healthonauts in Veldkant in KONTICH

Check Healthonauts and its 512 neighbors in Veldkant in KONTICH in Belgium, all operating with a Belgian corporate ID number. We located 512 legal entities on the address: Veldkant in KONTICH in Belgium.

Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!

VAT numberCompany nameJuridical form
BE 0783.296.873HealthonautsPLIMCO
BE 0783.296.675MaykerPLIMCO
BE 0733.953.270VideolabsPLIMCO
BE 0675.558.874FlowFactorPLIMCO
BE 0664.940.443RMDY MobilePLIMCO
BE 0557.976.959AppFoundryPLIMCO
BE 0881.855.209i8cPLIMCO
BE 0784.822.050HyBridgePLIMCO
BE 0806.063.664SmartSysPLIMCO
BE 0865.300.673Xplore groupPLIMCO
BE 0669.644.052ChangelabPLIMCO
BE 0807.353.863Flexso DigitalPLIMCO
BE 0673.556.023ArchersPLIMCO
BE 0822.929.588Synthis PeoplePLIMCO
BE 0846.804.852blasticPLIMCO
BE 0435.264.041PavamPLIMCO
BE 0680.482.615M-PartnerPLIMCO
BE 0717.846.421InforoadPLIMCO