Located 25 companies in opeindestraat in KORTESSEM
We located 25 legal entities on the address: opeindestraat in KORTESSEM in Belgium.Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!
VAT number | Company name | Juridical form | Juridical situation | Type of enterprise |
BE 0468.396.667 | ROEBBEN | LTD PRTN | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0507.604.364 | HOMESTARS | NPROF | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0567.879.471 | Vereniging van Mede-eigenaars Residentie PALAS te 3720 Kortessem, Opeindestraat 17 | COOWN | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0574.223.271 | HOUBRIX JOZEF & JULES | CAWOLP | Cessation of an entity without legal personality | Legal Person |
BE 1017.521.387 | 66 INCH PRODUCTIONS | N/A | N/A | Unknown |
BE 0774.672.781 | Emelie | PLC | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0460.234.712 | EUROSTORE-MS | PLC | Closure of liquidation | Legal Person |
BE 1015.696.403 | Vereniging van mede-eigenaars Residentie Van Bellis te 3720 Kortessem, Opeindestraat 30-32 | COOWN | Legal incorporation | Legal Person |
BE 0891.195.319 | Gebroeders CUYX | PLC | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0881.209.366 | DIEPENBEEKSE BADMINTONVERENIGING | NPROF | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0435.517.132 | Martin LECOQUE | PLC | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0780.517.131 | TOM HAELDERMANS CONSULTING | PLC | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0797.995.343 | Mavajo | PLC | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0874.162.119 | Vereniging van Mede-eigenaars Residentie GRAND EUROPE te 3720 Kortessem, Opeindestraat 1 | COOWN | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0730.786.815 | JUMA Construct | PLC | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0875.590.294 | Vereniging van Mede-eigenaars Gebouw POORT VAN HASPENGOUW | COOWN | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0730.334.675 | BELLANTE ANNA EN PAULA | CAWOLP | Cessation of an entity without legal personality | Legal Person |
BE 1004.313.254 | ARSA AGRI | LTD PRTN | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0782.333.407 | DV Techniek | PLC | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0537.922.507 | STIMAN | PLC | Normal situation | Legal Person |