Check Heemkundige Kring Norbert de Vrijter in Rechtestraat in Lille

Check Heemkundige Kring Norbert de Vrijter and its 33 neighbors in Rechtestraat in Lille in Belgium, all operating with a Belgian corporate ID number. We located 33 legal entities on the address: Rechtestraat in Lille in Belgium.

Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!

VAT numberCompany nameJuridical form
BE 0424.785.863Heemkundige Kring Norbert de VrijterNPROF
BE 0742.727.911Optiek MarilinePLC
BE 1010.669.92285 CONNECTIONPLC
BE 0422.350.272Zakenkantoor Van EyndtPr LLC
BE 0505.944.971YVENTNPROF
BE 0413.423.106Sportbeheer LilleNPROF
BE 0869.467.715Vereniging van mede-eigenaars Residentie De Croon te Lille, Rechtestraat 4COOWN
BE 0423.947.705NsureXPLIMCO
BE 0892.149.085Architectuuratelier Annemie TORMANSPLC
BE 0554.861.972YUCCAPLC
BE 0207.502.794Gemeente LilleCities
BE 0479.095.470VERBISTOLP
BE 0308.182.856Electriciteitsdienst der Gemeente WechelderzandeMINHAF