Located 13 companies in rue de marsannay-la-cote, mazy in MAZY

We located 13 legal entities on the address: rue de marsannay-la-cote, mazy in MAZY in Belgium.

Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!

VAT numberCompany nameJuridical form
BE 0457.525.541L'Allée des Tilleuls SPRL civilePLC
BE 0843.718.470EVASTAZEPr LLC
BE 0505.620.319ALILAXPLC
BE 0457.607.002Cabinet O.R.L. du Docteur Thierry PoletPr LLC
BE 0661.937.106René FAGNANT & FILSPLC
BE 0799.398.081Trampoline SoftwarePLC
BE 0777.543.981HERMAN-ITYPLC
BE 0841.329.104CLACLPLC
BE 0861.512.824XASAPLC
BE 0659.815.279Fédération Wallonne des Centres à Convention Spécifique de SoinsNPROF
BE 0535.925.889TransformersNPROF
BE 0884.609.217Centre de philosophie pratique Chromatiques whiteheadiennesNPROF