Located 32 companies in heilig-hartstraat in SINT-AMANDSBERG

We located 32 legal entities on the address: heilig-hartstraat in SINT-AMANDSBERG in Belgium.

Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!

VAT numberCompany nameJuridical form
BE 0803.127.831Deulen In KonderenNPROF
BE 0786.984.754YAMA & SPLC
BE 0734.562.588RNMPLC
BE 0405.413.280Vleesverwerking ZelePr LLC
BE 0715.750.330At the webLTD PRTN
BE 0745.351.265Tapmaz FinancePLC
BE 0534.671.621SHAHINPr LLC
BE 0479.851.971C.K. CONSTRUCTPr LLC
BE 0650.578.901ALTINTASOLP
BE 0685.849.485Dans! Dichter! Dans!NPROF
BE 0454.924.852Atelier ETPLC
BE 0880.091.391IbsaPr LLC
BE 0824.137.734Bakkerij MediteranneePr LLC
BE 0816.737.228AK-BAKPr LLC
BE 0808.658.316KABAOLP
BE 0476.244.165REHOBOTHPr LLC
BE 0820.463.612TFK & ABDPr LLC
BE 0851.419.577Vereniging van mede-eigenaars van de Residenties Zebrina en Maranta te Gent - Sint-Amandsberg, Jean Bethunestraat 50-62 en Heilig Hartstraat 25-37COOWN
BE 0885.988.201EURO-T.E.S.Pr LLC