Check VME Residentie K54, Kasteelstraat 54 te 9140 Temse in Kasteelstraat in Temse

Check VME Residentie K54, Kasteelstraat 54 te 9140 Temse and its 91 neighbors in Kasteelstraat in Temse in Belgium, all operating with a Belgian corporate ID number. We located 91 legal entities on the address: Kasteelstraat in Temse in Belgium.

Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!

VAT numberCompany nameJuridical form
BE 0779.666.796VME Residentie K54, Kasteelstraat 54 te 9140 TemseCOOWN
BE 0630.756.158Vriendenkring Brandweer TemseNPROF
BE 0777.519.831VME van het gebouw, Kasteelstraat 28 te 9140 TemseCOOWN
BE 0803.453.671CheckpointPLC
BE 0456.727.369KORIANDERPr LLC
BE 0473.377.222J & D -COMPUTERSPr LLC
BE 0478.333.625RESCUE & FIREPr LLC
BE 0881.073.665J&D-SYSTEMSOLP
BE 0597.905.327RUBECONOLP
BE 0725.450.429ABBAMPLC