Check BAR ROLIN in grote markt in Tienen

Check BAR ROLIN and its 73 neighbors in grote markt in Tienen in Belgium, all operating with a Belgian corporate ID number. We located 73 legal entities on the address: grote markt in Tienen in Belgium.

Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!

VAT numberCompany nameJuridical form
BE 0698.854.514BAR ROLINPLC
BE 0642.637.767ART. 27NPROF
BE 0449.397.436DE HERTOGPr LLC
BE 0886.288.505FORYPr LLC
BE 0406.851.157SovaviPr LLC
BE 0416.427.433EbimoPr LLC
BE 0837.222.935MARKTCAFéPLC
BE 0438.963.602INGAPPLIMCO
BE 0861.426.019G.M.VIGILIAEPLC
BE 0400.944.253FraternitasPLIMCO
BE 0462.944.970BLIKPr LLC
BE 0453.054.633EURO - PROMPr LLC
BE 0669.644.250THE GATSBYPLC
BE 0449.478.402NEW MARKIESPr LLC
BE 0465.829.335Het Gulden HoofdPLC
BE 0863.383.142BIZZARTPr LLC
BE 1003.317.025Café MarcoPLC
BE 0409.544.391Federatie van de Tiense WeerstandNPROF
BE 0667.698.411FOR YOUPLC