Check DIGECOM in jules moretuslei in WILRIJK

Check DIGECOM and its 291 neighbors in jules moretuslei in WILRIJK in Belgium, all operating with a Belgian corporate ID number. We located 291 legal entities on the address: jules moretuslei in WILRIJK in Belgium.

Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!

VAT numberCompany nameJuridical form
BE 0799.335.725DIGECOMPLC
BE 1009.795.239Vereniging van Mede-eigenaars Jules Moretuslei 271COOWN
BE 0746.496.360Dr. Laurens BlondeelPLC
BE 0750.618.860S&CPLC
BE 0406.969.240Funktie en Dekoratie-Fonction et DécorationPLIMCO
BE 0404.279.073Bouwwerken Van Der Gucht R. En ZonenPr LLC
BE 0844.064.801Tank MelodyGENPAR
BE 0738.713.396Werner HellemansPLC
BE 0877.071.327Vereniging van Mede-eigenaars van het gebouw Jules Moretuslei 204 te WilrijkCOOWN
BE 1000.146.907AGNPLC
BE 0893.463.436Tilicho Manang and PartnersPLC
BE 0859.952.312Johan KIEBOOMS, GeassocieerdPLC
BE 0410.000.093Koninklijke Belgische Korfbalbond - Vlaamse LigaNPROF
BE 0432.565.263BONUSPr LLC
BE 0477.151.809OPCAMPr LLC
BE 0664.964.890Moretus Car ServicesPLC
BE 0899.959.268Bal-enzo Billiards & DartsPLC
BE 0873.822.916BLOPLC