Check Gebroeders Lauwers in waterlelielaan in Wondelgem

Check Gebroeders Lauwers and its 61 neighbors in waterlelielaan in Wondelgem in Belgium, all operating with a Belgian corporate ID number. We located 61 legal entities on the address: waterlelielaan in Wondelgem in Belgium.

Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!

VAT numberCompany nameJuridical form
BE 0400.821.024Gebroeders LauwersPLC
BE 0832.934.644BRACOFIPLC
BE 0751.486.417RenewoPLC
BE 0832.317.606TremisPLC
BE 1008.516.324Olympia GrondPLC
BE 0842.015.131D.C. PropertiesPLIMCO
BE 0878.081.414BreiGoedPLC
BE 0797.138.179De SteenfabriekPLC
BE 0406.863.827Immo-PeetersPLIMCO
BE 0435.495.752Het VroonhofPLC
BE 0476.338.591C-site AAAPLC
BE 0476.382.638Cotton Invest GroupPLIMCO
BE 0775.769.475Stokerij SnoeckPLC
BE 0451.301.705Tamise D.CPLIMCO
BE 0837.133.457Erfgoed WondelgemCS
BE 0806.069.406Low ImpactPLIMCO
BE 0538.693.260Klein DorlickPLIMCO
BE 0630.945.606CasaleaPLIMCO
BE 0727.890.671ROOTSPLC