Located 10 companies in rue de la petite ile in 1070-Anderlecht

We located 10 legal entities on the address: rue de la petite ile in 1070-Anderlecht in Belgium.

Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!

VAT numberCompany nameJuridical form
BE 0404.266.009Kolen En Handelsmaatschappij RoelsPLIMCO
BE 0419.525.196E.M.I. - H.I.F.I. BelgiumPr LLC
BE 0407.033.774Hydrant Refueling CompanyPLIMCO
BE 0402.957.004EuroilPLIMCO
BE 0412.442.713Maison des Huissiers de Justice de l'Arrondissement Judiciaire de BruxellesCS
BE 0406.080.897Distribution de Combustibles solides et de MazoutPr LLC
BE 0665.895.003byrrrh and SkateNPROF
BE 0406.782.564G. Devis et filsPLIMCO
BE 0406.630.631Société Belge de CompensationPr LLC