Located 26 companies in wilgenlaan in 2610-Wilrijk

We located 26 legal entities on the address: wilgenlaan in 2610-Wilrijk in Belgium.

Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!

VAT numberCompany nameJuridical form
BE 0757.878.519DARK LIGHTPLC
BE 0476.812.309CAPAPLC
BE 0750.578.575247brosPLC
BE 0755.902.489Gi MakotoPLC
BE 0403.991.538Appareils et Machines pour l'Industrie AlimentairePr LLC
BE 0820.698.291PAVINIPLC
BE 0846.163.068MECALROPLC
BE 0403.991.043Firma Marc AntonsenPr LLC
BE 0412.653.935DendrimoPLIMCO
BE 1007.165.648DARKSTARPLC
BE 0446.747.158KROONTEXPr LLC
BE 0834.318.873EV Lung CarePLC
BE 0538.927.446V.M. PlusPr LLC
BE 0790.887.322Aurélie De TrochPLC
BE 0415.209.488PottenbrugPLC
BE 0885.908.027Van Causenbroeck OlivierCSPLLC
BE 1002.742.943AzarPLC
BE 0795.472.452Range DigitalPLC
BE 0697.952.711CCG INVESTPLC