Located 16 companies in krekelstraat in 9052-Zwijnaarde

We located 16 legal entities on the address: krekelstraat in 9052-Zwijnaarde in Belgium.

Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!

VAT numberCompany nameJuridical form
BE 0465.084.019DIAROMPr LLC
BE 0433.357.396GEMAFLORPLC
BE 0773.340.220EcostratPLC
BE 0790.877.523SabletPLC
BE 0888.144.371CONSERDOLP
BE 0612.973.385Peter-BiltPLC
BE 0772.404.565Secundum ArtemPLC
BE 0433.641.270MADISEMPr LLC
BE 0423.840.609DIAROMPr LLC
BE 0770.474.265AllN!ceLTD PRTN
BE 1013.207.857JC ServicesGENPAR
BE 0782.880.367Feestcommissie ZwijnaardeNPROF
BE 0838.249.551Developing Open SourceNPROF
BE 0426.545.820DE TUINIERPLC
BE 0515.948.641DKr8PLC