Located 19 companies in centrumlaan in ASTENE

We located 19 legal entities on the address: centrumlaan in ASTENE in Belgium.

Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!

VAT numberCompany nameJuridical form
BE 0769.787.050SuzetteGENPAR
BE 0631.979.843t InboedeltjeGENPAR
BE 0837.263.913Luxury Walls & Paint by Van HouttePLC
BE 0635.516.284Broma BuildingPLC
BE 0670.623.257Dr. Anneleen Notebaert-KinderartsPLC
BE 0450.188.183Subsonic CreationsNPROF
BE 0451.579.936IMMO J en HPLIMCO
BE 0755.343.750ArchiVeerPLC
BE 0819.279.717Vereniging van mede-eigenaars "Residentie FABIOLA" te 9800 Deinze, Centrumlaan,89COOWN
BE 0754.934.073TalentenlaboNPROF
BE 0427.530.072Reizen Harry NotenboomPr LLC
BE 0797.641.688Arabische Belgische StichtingNPROF
BE 0427.240.854Reizen Harry NotenboomPr LLC
BE 0899.803.474Robbens Consulting in Administration and FinancePLC
BE 0644.782.358Camar InvestPLC
BE 0443.628.213Vlaamse Bonsaivereniging De LeieNPROF
BE 0863.763.026GRADACOMPLC