Located 34 companies in Colonel Silvertopstraat in Boom

We located 34 legal entities on the address: Colonel Silvertopstraat in Boom in Belgium.

Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!

VAT numberCompany nameJuridical form
BE 0411.680.767E. Verstraeten RederijPLIMCO
BE 0923.018.742A.B.V.V. Afdeling BoomORGONP
BE 0564.889.002KINE-BOOMPLC
BE 0739.595.504Eerstelijnszone RupeLaarNPROF
BE 0474.439.074BODY LIGHTPr LLC
BE 0411.695.714Ziekenbond Hulp in NoodHEALTH
BE 0461.027.241Ton MaiPLC
BE 0434.128.151ODASSEPLC
BE 0538.722.558DAPANDAPLC
BE 0628.972.843CHENGPLC
BE 0432.374.431FU-WAHPLIMCO
BE 0784.435.634BonsaiBranchesLTD PRTN
BE 0444.379.863GerminalNPROF
BE 0672.719.249MANNIXPLC
BE 0410.986.327Vrije Volksbibliotheek Ontwikkeling Voorheen Socialistische BoekeryNPROF
BE 0421.284.361THE CLASHPr LLC
BE 0692.676.208Alofs & PartnersLTD PRTN
BE 0470.493.055Thuiszorg Regio RupelNPROF