Located 29 companies in nieuwstraat in De Klinge

We located 29 legal entities on the address: nieuwstraat in De Klinge in Belgium.

Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!

VAT numberCompany nameJuridical form
BE 0701.601.691support groepVAT-GR
BE 0645.524.310Bulldog2BConnectNPROF
BE 0409.710.083Vriendenkring - Bassisschool van het Gemeenschapsonderwijs De BronNPROF
BE 0879.220.173VZW De Bron - De SterappelNPROF
BE 0690.884.379IntegriPLC
BE 0764.313.181De Kleine FriteriePLC
BE 0841.425.510Fietsen D.A.C.Pr LLC
BE 0438.815.033DE LINDENPr LLC
BE 0714.888.713Cardon - Goeman & PartnersGENPAR
BE 0787.724.429GEERTS HPLC
BE 0794.649.734BBeck ServicesPLC
BE 0644.498.583Cardon & PartnersPLC
BE 1013.927.538Cardon en partnersPLC
BE 0407.959.333Patrimonium in de parochie in Sint-Gillis-Waas/StekeneNPROF
BE 0542.617.307JOY FAMILYPLC
BE 0462.333.375Schoenmaekers Consulting en SoftwarePLC
BE 0451.793.930Foto-Organisatie voor Korps-UitstappenNPROF
BE 0411.844.479Kristelijk Ziekenfonds van Sint-Gillis-WaasHEALTH
BE 0753.499.562ELS DE PAEPEPLC