Located 13 companies in SCHEPLAKENS in Geel

We located 13 legal entities on the address: SCHEPLAKENS in Geel in Belgium.

Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!

VAT numberCompany nameJuridical form
BE 0667.844.208Sannen MarioPLC
BE 0649.824.7744D WorksPLC
BE 0419.862.520R. BONTEPr LLC
BE 0879.792.572J.M. TAMARISPLC
BE 0424.193.173LEESLUSTPr LLC
BE 0778.934.843By Evelien MangelschotsPLC
BE 0827.741.778Mens en Paard KempenNPROF
BE 0705.924.626Dr. Dries VAN DONINCKPLC
BE 0442.529.044Nationaal Interprofessioneel Verbond tot Bevordering van het Verbruik van Konijnenvlees in BelgiëNPROF
BE 0746.769.742AT POORTENPLC
BE 0460.309.936INDIONPLC
BE 0794.593.910Dr. Caroline Vanden EyckenPLC