Located 19 companies in RUE DE NAMUR in Hannut
We located 19 legal entities on the address: RUE DE NAMUR in Hannut in Belgium.Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!
VAT number | Company name | Juridical form | Juridical situation | Type of enterprise |
BE 0436.189.402 | WILMET-LOCATION | PLIMCO | Merger by acquisition | Legal Person |
BE 0462.556.376 | GDS TECHNOLOGIES | Pr LLC | Closure of liquidation | Legal Person |
BE 0410.861.514 | Royal Velo Club Hannutois | NPROF | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0819.907.049 | Association des copropriétaires de la Résidence Les Magnolias à 4280 Hannut, rue de Namur 27. | COOWN | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0875.914.552 | s HEEREN FREDERIC | PLC | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0668.912.889 | FEDERATION NATIONALE DES ORPHELINS DE GUERRE 1940-1945 | NPROF | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0460.151.073 | ZONE 3 | Pr LLC | Closing of bankruptcy procedure | Legal Person |
BE 0732.612.096 | ASLW | PLC | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0446.632.045 | PIWIDINVEST | PLIMCO | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 1015.913.068 | Pontos Diving ASBL | NPROF | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0533.849.990 | s HEEREN TRUCK SERVICE | PLC | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0669.830.431 | GIVAGI Entreprises | PLC | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0761.468.608 | NOVA STABLES | PLC | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0462.788.582 | Avernas Basket Club | NPROF | Closure of liquidation | Legal Person |
BE 0670.583.962 | REDDINGUE | PLC | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0803.436.152 | CEBO | CAWOLP | Cessation of an entity without legal personality | Legal Person |
BE 0693.917.511 | Lifts Deck | GENPAR | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 1001.692.571 | Association des copropriétaires Résidence Lino sise à 4280 Hannut, rue de Namur, 43 | COOWN | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0667.675.843 | JARDI-STYLE | CAWOLP | Cessation of an entity without legal personality | Legal Person |