Located 109 companies in parijsstraat in LEUVEN

We located 109 legal entities on the address: parijsstraat in LEUVEN in Belgium.

Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!

VAT numberCompany nameJuridical form
BE 0836.786.633JAN & DANIELPr LLC
BE 0446.723.008IMMO G.D.VPLIMCO
BE 0448.729.819RIBSPLC
BE 0871.554.403EverestPLC
BE 0678.746.414Life BarGENPAR
BE 0432.577.240CERA Lease Factors AutoleasePLIMCO
BE 0414.582.453Eckelmans en Zonen - Eckelmans et filsPr LLC
BE 0875.148.846O FADOPr LLC
BE 0430.233.107PsychologieNPROF
BE 1009.524.728KANELAPLC
BE 0813.221.373Ir. Kris Leenders ArchitectPLC
BE 0424.063.412Ieder Voor Allen 1982NPROF
BE 0894.557.061LAVA architectenPLC
BE 0846.944.414PhD Society LeuvenNPROF
BE 0782.631.137BolonysPLC
BE 0422.068.378AlleluiaNPROF
BE 0403.561.867Kledermagazijnen In de Witte DuifPLIMCO
BE 0414.554.145Eckelmans en Zonen - Eckelmans et filsPr LLC