Located 571 companies in Grand Place in Ronse
We located 571 legal entities on the address: Grand Place in Ronse in Belgium.Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!
VAT number | Company name | Juridical form | Juridical situation | Type of enterprise |
BE 0456.424.491 | Syndicat d'Initiative de l'Entité de Tubize | NPROF | Voluntary dissolution - liquidation | Legal Person |
BE 0420.172.425 | Braine-le-Comte Association sportive automobile, B.R.A.S.A. | NPROF | Closure of liquidation | Legal Person |
BE 0899.045.884 | Agence de Dévelloppement Local de Sambreville | NPROF | Closure of liquidation | Legal Person |
BE 1001.444.034 | MILKY PROD | CAWOLP | Normal situation | Legal Person |
BE 0810.914.357 | LU-LUAN | Pr LLC | Closing of bankruptcy procedure | Legal Person |
BE 0541.941.671 | YOLLARBASI | Pr LLC | Closing of bankruptcy procedure | Legal Person |
BE 0839.344.859 | LA REID SUD | NPROF | Closure of liquidation | Legal Person |
BE 0422.668.887 | BELGRANIT | Pr LLC | Closure of liquidation | Legal Person |
BE 0409.629.416 | Les Poilus de France Association d'Anciens Combattants Francais | NPROF | Closure of liquidation | Legal Person |
BE 0877.057.172 | ROTTEAU | GENPAR | Closing of bankruptcy procedure with inexcusability | Legal Person |
BE 0457.769.427 | LA BOUTIQUE SOCIALE | NPROF | Closure of liquidation | Legal Person |
BE 0459.094.565 | MONS - NUIT | PLIMCO | Closing of bankruptcy procedure with inexcusability | Legal Person |
BE 0462.454.428 | KIRCLA | Pr LLC | Closure of liquidation | Legal Person |
BE 0407.936.864 | ETABLISSEMENTS KERF | PLIMCO | Closure of liquidation | Legal Person |
BE 0464.491.230 | RESTAURANT MANRESA | Pr LLC | Closing of bankruptcy procedure with inexcusability | Legal Person |
BE 0466.795.969 | LA TERRAZZA | PLIMCO | Closing of bankruptcy procedure with inexcusability | Legal Person |
BE 0458.657.570 | DECALLONNE SUCCESSEURS | PLIMCO | Closing of bankruptcy procedure | Legal Person |
BE 0819.666.034 | La Dicôse Gourmande | Pr LLC | Closing of bankruptcy procedure | Legal Person |
BE 0838.247.670 | LA FOURMI ET LA CIGALE | Pr LLC | Closing of bankruptcy procedure | Legal Person |
BE 0536.260.738 | OH L'IDEE IN | Pr LLC | Closing of bankruptcy procedure | Legal Person |