Located 19 companies in eeckhoutdriesstraat in STEENDORP

We located 19 legal entities on the address: eeckhoutdriesstraat in STEENDORP in Belgium.

Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!

VAT numberCompany nameJuridical form
BE 0410.750.953Unie van Zelfstandige Ondernemers - TemseNPROF
BE 0727.446.451VME Residentie Eeckhoudt, Eeckhoutdriesstraat 84 en 84+ te 9140 TemseCOOWN
BE 0876.136.068t GildenhuisPr LLC
BE 0426.469.408P. VAN DYCKEPr LLC
BE 0408.407.513Unie van Zelfstandige Ondernemers - TemseNPROF
BE 0841.061.660Kine Van DyckeOLP
BE 0444.851.106JOMAPr LLC
BE 0801.268.795ROVIBELPLC
BE 0748.847.027VME Residentie Rero, Eeckhoutdriesstraat 13 en 13+ te 9140 TemseCOOWN
BE 0443.792.816PYROSCS
BE 0759.633.130Gelateria LucaPLC
BE 0747.600.180H & K TRANSPORTPLC
BE 0841.007.123VME van de Residentie De Lelie, Eeckhoutdriesstraat 90 te 9140 TemseCOOWN
BE 1014.173.602North Sea LogisticsPLC
BE 0421.264.565Cercle Gastronomique - Gastronomische ClubPr LLC
BE 0761.956.774K&S TransportPLC
BE 0772.897.780Lluka ConsultPLC