Located 31 companies in Rue Neuve in Stavelot

We located 31 legal entities on the address: Rue Neuve in Stavelot in Belgium.

Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!

VAT numberCompany nameJuridical form
BE 0826.666.959ASBL Les P'tits CRAPAUNPROF
BE 0792.762.291LIGNE 26PLC
BE 0870.988.338MAJIBATPr LLC
BE 0464.533.592DUFAYSPLC
BE 0413.728.556La Petite SymphonieNPROF
BE 0448.397.049Sacodo-Fonds, association sans but lucratifNPROF
BE 1004.812.310A-PRODPLC
BE 0741.787.902XENA ConstructionPLC
BE 0430.723.055LIBREFAPr LLC
BE 0457.542.565La Cour des MiraclesNPROF
BE 0807.775.913Association des copropriétaires de l'immeuble sis à Stavelot, rue Neuve, 75/2 et 75/3COOWN
BE 0412.831.604Comité rue Neuve - StavelotNPROF
BE 0445.349.962L'ETOFFEPLC
BE 0543.579.387Cornelis Alain Electricité GénéralePr LLC
BE 0402.313.141Saint-AntoineCSOR
BE 0405.852.849Fontenoy - Godin - Laguesse et LaguesseGENPAR
BE 0455.510.020Les Amis des Orgues de l'Eglise Saint-Sébastien de StavelotNPROF
BE 0778.715.703MARLOeNCOPLC
BE 0818.788.876Association des copropriétaires de la RESIDENCE AZURA II à 4970 Stavelot, rue Neuve 32COOWN