Located 43 companies in KOUTERSTRAAT in Temse

We located 43 legal entities on the address: KOUTERSTRAAT in Temse in Belgium.

Select a company below in order to check their VAT number, official company name, legal form, operating status, the registered offices, financial data, official publications and lots more Belgian company information!

VAT numberCompany nameJuridical form
BE 0775.980.105TURPALPLC
BE 0430.917.649BERGAPLC
BE 0769.985.109TP-DAKGENPAR
BE 0426.402.595Vrije MeisjesberoepsschoolNPROF
BE 0822.100.437VME van de "RESIDENTIE DE KOUTER" te 9140 Temse, Kouterstraat 31-33.COOWN
BE 1014.071.355VME Garagecomplex Erica, Kouterstraat 28+ te 9140 TemseCOOWN
BE 0776.687.314K.N.A.PGENPAR
BE 0400.142.816Duralay InternationalPLIMCO
BE 0664.943.413VME van het gebouw Kouterstraat 2 te 9140 Temse (volgens BA Akkerstraat 70, 72 en 74)COOWN
BE 0444.334.036ANADOLUCS
BE 0666.529.461VME Residentie De Kouter, Kouterstraat 50 te 9140 TemseCOOWN
BE 0449.550.557VERHOFSTEPr LLC
BE 0447.563.542VEFIKNPROF
BE 0811.874.558Advocaat Pieter Van AsschePLC
BE 0426.455.451E.C.M.Pr LLC
BE 0698.795.819Stage Technical Event SupportLTD PRTN
BE 0468.146.645GAZOILPLC
BE 0834.626.996ERIFREPLC